An evening out with dear friends at Riverside Walk, Robertson Quay, on a peaceful and serene Saturday is a great one only with food to complete the whole journey.
The view taken at Robertson Quay.
Sugisawa Japanese Restaurant. Hot favourite amongst the Japanese community in Singapore. They love to drink sake there. 
My Saba bento set. Awesome. Check out the amount of things they have in it. Definitely worth the 16++
Over to the place of chocolate over-indulgence. It's definitely not value for money here but it was for the niceness of the souffles and ice creams. Even the tea is highly recommended too. Friends. Do go there, it's definitely a worthy place to chill out!
Rich, dark, intense, soft, moist… Trust me, this is exactly the stuff worth risking a sore throat for. And forget about the calories, please. I can describe the soufflé until the cows come home and words still can’t do this soufflé justice. It’s just awesome. Awesome! Loving the super tangy raspberry sherbet too!
What's sinful indulgence without tea to cleanse away partial fats in your little stomach? Try the French Vanilla Bourbon Tea. It's definitely something that is nice smelling and you dun feel like drinking it until the smell is gone. 
New World: this wasnt served like this. It actually had this chocolate thingy that you can pour onto the crust and it will melt open. Inside, you will find a thick rich dark chocolate ice cream with small crunchy biscuits. Totally awesome!
Strawberry Sundae. A rich mixture of various strawberry-based types - Sherbet, ice cream, strawberries (super fresh, no kidding) and strawberry cream! Oh did I tell you, the cream itself has some starwberry taste! totally delicious!
A calm and soothing Camomile tea to soothe your nerves at night so as to enhance your sleep. Good for the busy you.
this is a place definitely worth going definitely, not for the service (which sucks) but for the nice dessert! You will have an evening well-spent with your other half or just friends.
Sugisawa Japanese Restaurant
30 Robertson Quay
#01-16 Riverside View
Opening hours
Mon–Sun 1130am–3pm; 6pm–10pm
Laurent Bernard Chocolatier
The Pier at Robertson Quay 80
Mohammad Sultan Road #01-11
Singapore 239013
Telephone: +65 6235 9007
Operating Hours :
Monday 6pm-11pmTuesday to Thursday 1pm-12 midnightFriday to Saturday 1pm-1amSunday 1pm-11pm